About Peace Works Zimbabwe
Peace Works Zimbabwe (PWZ) is a fund-raising committee set up with the aim of ensuring that the two peace-building projects established by Friends of Hlekweni have continuing support because of their timely contribution to a cultural shift away from violence that is in evidence in the country. Following the introduction of a new constitution in 2013, corporal punishment has now become forbidden in schools. These two programmes offer teachers invaluable new approaches to school discipline and the building of a peaceful, more participative, culture in schools.
How PWZ operates
PWZ is a fund-raising committee run under the auspices of Milton Keynes Quakers. The funds raised for peace-building are held in a restricted fund of Luton and Leighton Area Quaker Meeting. This means PWZ can claim Gift Aid from individual donors and the accounts will be audited annually as part of Quaker funds. PWZ will transfer monies raised, less a small amount to cover mostly handling charges and fund-raising expenses, to Alternatives to Violence Project, Zimbabwe (AVPZ) with whom we have a Memorandum of Understanding.
PWZ committee members are Don Rowe, clerk, Lee Taylor, Denise Rowe and Carmel Schmid, treasurer.
AVPZ is a registered charity (or Public Voluntary Organisation) in Zimbabwe, registration no. A000187